Thursday, February 7, 2013

El Chalateco Salvadorian

"Awning" must be Spanish for "awesome".

El Chalateco Salvadorian
280 N. Capitol Avenue
San Jose, CA

Sometimes I rely on my good old GPS to steer me towards the nearest taqueria.

I noticed two things about this place, right away: first of all, it's LOUD. Festive, but LOUD.  Like...Tijuana at night during Spring Break LOUD.

Second, the menu is huge.  Literally.  The server handed me a wire-bound collection of 16"x12" laminated pages displaying full-color photos of damn near everything they offer.  I'm pretty sure I read it for at least fifteen minutes before I gave up and ordered my default favorite, fish tacos.

One word: fantastic!  Perfectly juicy, grilled fish atop soft corn tortillas with the standard toppings of crunchy cabbage and fresh pico de gallo.  Later, I kicked myself for not ordering anything with their mole sauce since those photos looked pretty phenomenal.

I grabbed their "Menu-To-Go" and found they have multiple locations throughout the San Jose area.  I'll be back, hunting down mole with the help of my GPS.